Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rejoice?? Really?

Over the years I have learned that God speaks to us in many ways and I just need to be paying attention in order to hear him.  I used to think that God only spoke as the booming voice of Charlton Heston and I wondered about the many people in the Bible that God spoke to, almost like a face-to-face conversation.  How come I never heard Him speak to me?

Now I realize that God has been speaking to me all along.  He speaks through His Word (which is why it is so important that I read it regularly), through books and devotionals, through sermons, through my friends and family, through my brothers and sisters in the Lord, through "coincidental" events in my every day, through random people that cross my path, through that still small voice in the back of my mind that's urging me to do something.  I just have to pay attention and listen -- otherwise my prayers become a one-sided conversation.

This morning He spoke to me in a single sentence in my devotional.  I have an awesome book that was given to me by a dear friend a few years ago -- "Jesus Calling" -- and it's amazing how the Lord speaks very specifically to my need each day.  This morning's devotion was on the subject of trusting the Lord and not being afraid.  That's a reminder I need to hear often.  But the sentence that really struck me was God's instruction to me to "rejoice as we journey together toward heaven."

Rejoice as we journey together toward heaven.


Wow.  Is that how we react when we think about dying? About the end of our lives here on earth and the beginning of our life in heaven?  Rejoice?  Heck no!  Our perspective is just the opposite.  Sure heaven will be nice and all, but death is viewed with such sadness and dread.  But looking at it from God's perspective, we are journeying toward heaven and that is certainly something to rejoice about.  We are all one day closer to heaven than we were yesterday!

Father, you have told us to rejoice ALWAYS.  Give me Your eyes and Your heart -- help me to view this journey from Your perspective, to walk close to You, and to rejoice always.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, as I told you in email, I've been having a terrible time posting comments to your inspirational writings. A friend of mine who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, is so appreciative of your blogs. If you were Catholic, I think she'd nominate you for sainthood. This is a test...hopefully it'll go through as a viable comment. If so, there are several of your blogs that I'd like to add commentary to. Thanks for being who you are, dear Erin.
